Why Download Firefox

Firefox is a free web browser from MOZILLA.ORG. Internet explorer as many people use, comes equipped on your computer for your use. Internet explorer is a Microsoft product. Microsoft products are often riddled with bugs and flaws and Internet Explorer is no exception. Many people have switched to Firefox for many reasons. A very good reason is security. Internet Explorer has security problems. Firefox is not a perfect solution but it is a step in the right direction. It also has many features such as pop-up blockers. Firefox is my preferred browser, and being such I created and debugged my site in Firefox. It wasn't until it was too late, that I discovered my site does not work properly in Internet Explorer. Sorry for any inconvenience. Should you choose to download Firefox, setup is very easy. Follow instructions, the setup can quickly and safely, transfer any saved bookmarks, cookies and passwords from Explorer to Firefox. You can also bypass that option. Finally, when you open Firefox you will be asked if you would like to make Firefox your default browser. If you click yes, then from then on, when you open a weblink you will be opening Firefox instead of Internet Explorer. These choices are up to you. I highly recommend Firefox.