General Navigating
Any stars next to a name or title usually indicates a link to further information on that subject.
Words within the poem with subscript numbers are links to general definitions to those words.
Any terms or words that are underlined will also likely open a new page to relevant information.
Navigating the menu
Related Work:
This link loads a page devouted to John Donne's Holy Sonnet X (Death be not Proud). Its relation to A Dialogue between Death and Youth is through common themes found in many different 16th century works.
This link reloads the poem A Dialogue between Death and Youth
This essay will endeavour to connect the poems A Dialogue between Death and Youth and Death be not Proud through a realationship between common themes with emphasis on how Death be not Proud gives A Dialogue between Death and Youth context. Contrasts between these two poems will also be discussed.
This is a line by line summary of what the poem is saying. The purpose of this explication is to promote a better understanding of the poem.
Web Source Evaluation:
This link sends users to a page with information on website resourses.
Annotated Bibliography:
This link will provide the user with detailed information on the resources used to compile that data on this site.
Narrated Version:
This link reloads the poem but with an added reading by Mike Gorman as Death and Matthew MacDonald as Youth
Website Designed and Maintained By Matthew John MacDonald
April 2005